The College of Idaho Yote Track

    Yote Track at The College of Idaho is a partnership with Idaho’s two-year institutions and Treasure Valley Community College.  College of Western Idaho, College of Southern Idaho, North Idaho College, Eastern Idaho College and Treasure Valley Community College students receive guaranteed admission to The College of Idaho after successfully completing an A.A. or A.S. degree with a 3.0 cumulative GPA.  Being part of the Yote Track comes with additional benefits:

    • Coordinated Academic Advising between The College of Idaho and advising offices at eligible institutions.  We work with students to design an academic plan where courses transfer directly into College of Idaho academic programs.  Click here to access TES, a useful online tool that shows how your courses would translate into credit at the C of I.
    • Priority Registration for your first semester at The College of Idaho.
    • Catalog Choice: Students enrolled in Yote Track have the option of selecting The College of Idaho Catalog from their term of entry at their two-year institution or at The College of Idaho.  Academic Catalogs expire after six years, so students will need to choose a catalog that will not expire before their graduation date at The College of Idaho.
    • 15% discount at The College of Idaho Store.
    • Free admission to athletic events (exceptions are playoff games and other special events).
    • Access to Cruzen-Murray Library with a Yote Track ID
    Work with Mike Burdine, transfer admission counselor at The College of Idaho. Email: Phone: 208-459-5663.